This ad says it all about the junk we spend good money on and what we really get.
Everything you buy these days is junk. Nothing delivers on its promise. Cheesy materials, unfathomable instructions,planned obsolescence and idiotic design are not what we paid for but that's what we get. Well, you tell yourself, I'll spend a little extra to get more quality,but do you? No. You just end up with more expensive junk.
I bought a gas can at Home Depot a couple of weeks ago. I could not for the life of me figure out how this thing works; a friggin' GAS CAN. It has a green twisty device on the neck that is on lock or unlock but what it locks I have no idea. But the best part is, the lower end of the neck has a pinhole for the gas to go through, locked or unlocked. I showed it to two salty old dudes who have been around and they were clueless also. I got a funnel and pour the gas out the large hole and forget about the neck piece.
What is really grinding my stones is this: I totally renovated the house I live in to bring it into the 21st century. In the process I decided to go with a Corian countertop in the kitchen with the sink all moulded into the counter. Very sharp looking. Corian is supposed to be the Cadillac of counter materials and as such carries a hefty pricetag. Well yesterday as I was wiping down the sink I noticed what I thought to be a hair in the corner of the sink. It wasn't; it was a crack. A CRACK in this miracle material after two years of light usage. It carries a ten year warranty but still how does something like this happen? If I had opted for a plain old stainless steel sink it wouldn't have happened. Now we will see if duPont honors their warranty or jerks me around. Stay tuned and caveat emptor.
We have done it to ourselves. Every time you cry out for food safety or auto regulations...the other side calls for less regulation and "who needs governmental interference." As such the industries of the usa have been able to move offshore where there is no goverment interference, the small buisness administration was devastated by the regan administration so who ya gonna call with all of these ripoffs? Charlie Baker?
As an example Japan severly restricts the importation of ameerican cigarets, considered the best in the world, by imposing stiff penalties and strict govermental fines for any transgressor...your caught importing american cigarets and you go to jail in Japan...and why do they do this protect their own small buisness in protect their own industry and their own jobs...TRY THIS IN AMERICA and your branded a socialist. Our Goverment has abandoned the populace to big buisness which has moved to Japan and China...they then elect the Charlie Bakers of the world to ensure their dominance of thier respective markets...who needs goverment protectin the people anyways...
That last comment was from Chris
Thank you Chris for your insightful assessment. The issues you bring up are the cause of most of the ills this country is experiencing.
Ownership of the government by giant corporations has undermined the quality of life in this country and the hope of a new attitude in Washington, with a new administration, has turned to the realization it's just business as usual.
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