Is there a working (or not working) person out there today who doesn't in their heart already know this. The chart illustrates worker's share of income since 1940, however it's the last 10 years that really scare the shit out of me. As jobs continue to disappear overseas, American workers are being squeezed like never before. The politicians in Washington are so out of touch with what Joe and Jane Sixpack need to survive it's not funny. Meanwhile the middle class continues to shrink and the disparity in income between the top 1% and the other 99% grows. It's obscene.
Will we ever wake up in large enough numbers to put a stop to the rape of the American people by the corporate-political elite? The change promised by Obama is no change at all. It's business as usual in Washington with deep pocketed lobbyists (thank you spell check) buying politicos by the bushel and Republicans telling us that more tax cuts for the rich will create more jobs. How's that been working out for the last 30 years? Instead of re-electing the same bums who cozy up to Big Business I think it's time for a discussion about term limits. 2 terms and out, go get a real job. The time has come to elect citizens and not lifetime politicians who have no concept of what it takes to live in 2011 America. It isn't a two party system; it's more like corporate ownership of our government with the elites all in the same bed, irregardless of which side of the aisle they are from. Instead we are heading for a two tier society where the Lords and Ladies (them) rule over the serfs (us) just like the good old days.