Divide and conquer, its a strategy used for thousands of years to defeat one's enemy and its come home to the class war currently being fought in this country. The ruling, moneyed elite have successfully framed the economic crash perpetrated by Wall Street criminals into a battle between working people. State budgets are under pressure why? Because of the economic meltdown created by the manipulations and greed of the billionaires running the country. Not because a teacher or janitor has decent health care or a living pension. The millions of lost jobs, foreclosures, business closings and other effects of the crash have decimated tax revenues and left the country reeling. So what to do? Well how about taking away the right of workers to bargain as a unit, collectively.
The billions stolen by devious Wall Street banksters leaves the rest of us fighting for our share of the crumbs left over. Union or non-union workers it doesn't matter, we of the shrunken middle class have a lot more in common than not. Do not the public sector or private sector janitor confront the same problems and worries? Raising a family, putting food on the table, insuring the car, paying the mortgage, saving for college, taking a vacation, improving our lot in life and giving our children the best life possible?Aren't we all being ripped off equally? Is it too much to ask the ultra rich to pay their fair share or is it better to grant them tax cuts (we did) and pick on teachers and firemen? The sad thing is the aristocracy has us fighting each other to keep to spotlight off the immoral behavior of the elite. They want it all.
What's happening in Wisconsin should be an affront to all working people. The Kochsuckers, would strip worker's unions of all rights on their way to raking in more billions. One thing that makes me laugh (ruefully) is the part of Governor Walker's bill that privatizes state utilities with NO BID CONTRACTS and that happens to be the Koch's business, never got a mention. The issue however has been cast as the huge salaries and benefits for public workers, what a blatant misdirection play. Are teachers getting rich at the expense of taxpayers or are billionaires bleeding all of us, union and non-union, public and private workers? Think about it.